Monday, November 25, 2002

Today, I stole a heart or two. I didn't mean to - it's just, well,
the way I look. I am incredible. Can you see my reflection
in that window? Of course, beauty is not the only requirement for
heart thievery. There's charm, but that's only on the surface:
What really counts is spirit. I am spirit incarnate; I am the sand
in the sea, I am life living, the lips of a snail on a leaf,
The grape on a runners tongue.

The first girl was nothing. "I am floored" was all it took - a brief
glance, and my words meant exactly what she wanted to hear. She
shivered from the inside out, I saw the hairs prickling on her arm.
She has dark hair on her arm. I meant to do exactly that, but
intent is hidden behind my eyes, which spout dazzling, distracting
glitters. She was thrown off, thrown to her knees, gazing referential,
In Exactly The State I Expect.

And then... need I say more?

My blood has more soul than your entire existence. The purpose
in my every footstep, you could not comprehend. I know the universe
Inside out. Can you see it in my quivering chin? My tears
are streams of glory, dropping praise on my creator, Who Is
Greater Than Yours.

Just kidding, of course.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

unfinished undone

In the Temple Dome the undersized men
each faintly glitter and grasp
for an eye's accidental brush,
Just one glance
to tell a soul, or maybe two.
What's the point, you mutter
with a twist of bitter lemon--
Where are you taking us?

Twist your head from side to side
and witness what we try to hide,
A glistening landscape of weary men
Undersized men, trudging toward the
Dream of America.
Dream a thousand dreams, America,
A dream for every heartbeat, a soul
In every worm writhing on the pavement.
Stomping feet to warm the toes,
Frozen lives bleed frozen goals
thrust upon suburban trolls--
The groundskeeper is on vacation.

A message for the masses: I
am the masses,
Living in my icecream cone
Chocolate lining and sprinkled flair,
Hollow and full of melting declarations,
speeches and provocations--
The throng a patch of foam upon the sea.

And in the Temple rests the limping priest,
His cane a bone of reliability,
His spitting lisp, a touch of polio as a boy
left him born again--
a servant of American dream.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

intellectual steambath

take a seat where no one's wanted
those were the first words i heard
she looked at me
an i know what you're thinking kind of look

am i thinking this tonight
or is it really happening?

stories told round the table
lies for truth and eyes for night
the center of my rote and written universe
intellectual steambaths, spiraled prayers
overblown pontification, the feelings pirate

to me, to me, to me,
to me this isn't a joke

that'll get their attention,
wicked gleam in his eye and she squirms
i alone am i

sitting at this table,
me, i cover my ears

putter out my smoke
there goes my soul
a sinus headache tackles my eyes
i will not shed
my will for this

it's just the cigarettes
i say i say i say again

talk of family life and useless wants
i know they're turning inside out
i can't let the outside in
i can't let the outside in

i can't

let me in and blow the hatches
my days are gone, the hours reign
trickling summer sweat
blond hair cut short this rant
it's done.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

eliminate worthwhile drivel

hold on to your mind
introductions always lie
precious ways of discontent
nibbling, form my scars

she looks away
when my gaze falls to her chest
it was an accident,
fidgeting screams deny every intent

shake my hand, i am important.
he thinks i'm gay
what if i am
what if im not

so what
she whispers across the coffee
steam embraces her words
the fogged truth of every joke

i am too short for this discussion
bend over so i may steal your eyes
i want them for my collection

he knows my soul
and i know nothing of him!
what if he tells my mother?
the story is as enticing
as last night's dream

she dances on the tip of tongues,
i follow, anticipate her every move,
riding with the blisters
on the heel of life.
we all steal stroking glances
laced with rapt attention.