Sunday, April 24, 2005

Words like Cysts

words like explosive zits
swell with the puss of mediocrity
this one is going to ooze:

inside my mind sits dr. kevari,
the sanest glass blower around --
he screeches blackboards and
knows just when to untie shoelaces,
cross eyes and glaze minds.

i can't seem to --
he'll pull it together
on the dock, a windy afternoon,
sky muddled dim gray, misting...
one hundred miles away,
a little god lashes the sea
with the force of ten thousand
nuclear bombs.

he rests his head
on wood and feels
as the universe sleeps.

in a moment of reflection,
the whirlpool shimmering type reflection,
we all feel alone --
on the surface of
an alien planet, with
no appointments to keep --
that kind of alone.

the middle of the night
is the best time
for breathing.

silence plays games in the dark.

discarding every fallacy,
dr. kevari is a made up character.

listless passion,
mildew and the dead
tail of lizard.
these words are vacant;
a recipe for no thing
at all.

of dubious use.
well, now that they've escaped --
fields a thousand miles long,
cocktails burning in the mist --
poetry of isolation
cares not a wit for cysts
bourn on shoulders
isaac newton we are not --
fair game, though,
if that's what you were thinking.


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